Monday, September 21, 2009

Police & Society

Our perception of the police holds high value in today’s society. History has shown that a community that has a negative perception about its police department can result in some form of negative consequences. The use of force does play its part in the public’s perception as well. In this essay I will address both issues as well as others relating to this topic.

If we trust the police we are more likely to call them in time of need or to report a crime. A reason we trust the police, is that we view them as legitimate. Police need the public’s full cooperation and for us to abide by their laws. “It is difficult for to gain social compliance on solely via threat of use of force,” (Tyler 1990). One reason we choose to follow the rules they enforce is that we view them as legitimate. Legitimacy goes a long way in policing, it can help the police establish effective partnerships within the community. Partnerships and informal relationships can lead to a high amount of voluntary participation which is beneficial. According to Tom Tyler author of Enhancing Police Legitimacy he states that public cooperation in fighting crime is motivated by evidence that the police are performing effectively in their efforts to control crime and urban disorder(Tyler 1990). Establishing these partnerships and relationships within the community can help the officer more cooperation from the community. This can prove to be vital when searching for witnesses and information.
In the community I live in police have difficulty having witnesses come forward. A reason this exists has to do with a socio economic factor. Salinas mainly an agricultural hub is divided by its classes in terms of capital. The low income section of the city is where most crimes occur thus is most affordable. Many undocumented illegal immigrants also reside in this area known as “East Salinas.” Crimes committed in that area frequently go unreported, and the residents fear the police. There is almost no police cooperation because residents are afraid they might get deported. The gangs that reside in the area have shed countless amounts of lives and commit many criminal acts. This issue I believe does not exist just in my town this is becoming a national issue. The population of minorities within this country is at an all time high.
There needs to be some set of reforms to adequately deal with this issue. Community orientated policing is a way to get the community involved and get voluntary participation. It can prove to be effective crime deterrent because community policing establishes a visual presence in the community it serves . “Community police officers have more autonomy than patrol officers and use more of problem solving approach to their work.” “These officers supposedly encourage citizen feedback and incorporate it into subsequent policies and practices.” (Websdale 2001)
The use of force by a Police Department can definitely affect its public perception. What came out of the Rodney King beating will forever be remembered. In that case four white Las Angeles Police officers were caught on tape beating a black man who was evading their presence. Police brutality issues were raised. The community revolted and stared rioting for four days protesting and showing their outlook. They believed the beatings to be racially motivated. In it caused 2,383 injuries and 52 deaths not to mention almost a billion dollars worth of damage.
The New Orleans Police Department in the early 1990’s lost all its credibility with the community they served and illustrates a negative example . Corruption was abundant in that police force. The public lost all trust in the police and did not view them as legitimate. The people of New Orleans were afraid to call them in time of need or to report any crimes. It was almost impossible for that police force to be effective in the community they served. For order to be restored nearly the entire force was replaced including its captain. Since then the New Orleans Police Department has regained its credibility with the community it serves. Today’s police officers need to be free of any racial biases. This has a lot to do with the ethics and morals they pose. The officers that serve our community have to hold the upmost integrity. Selecting the right officers to do the job is essential. This can eliminate any cases of officer misconduct and abuse of force.
Ultimately the public will be pleased with the service they are receiving from dedicated officers. Thus raising their perception of the police which will result in eliminating any negative stigma’s.