Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Farm: Life inside Angola Prison

I watched a movie about the Angola Prison which I borrowed from the IRC. The infamous Angola Prison is located in Louisiana. The nickname given to the prison is called the Farm. The fact that it the land it is built on was a slave plantation I believe takes an even greater emotional toll on its African American Inmates.The prison grows its own crops which the inmates take care of. In the past inmates have protested against the hard work and brutality It is the largest prison in America with 1800 acres. It has a label of being the most dangerous and bloody institution. The prison resembles a town built within prison gates and it employees over 1800 workers and has around 5,000 inmates. Warden Burl Cain has an open door policy with the media, this led to the creation of the documentary the farm which I viewed.
In 1997 900 men were sent to Angola prison and 70 % of them were African American. They view punishment as rehabilitation where minorities systematicallywould take longer to rehab than middle class white people. But under what grounds would you distinguish if theses individuals where rehabilitated.